How can data providers make storytelling easier?#

The data visualisation workshop that prompted the first draft of this guide instigated a lot of discussion about what data providers can do to make storytelling easier for others. Here we have gathered some key points related to this topic, to help data providers with the definition of future requirements:

To support storytelling, data providers can:

  • Provide regular images in timely response to events e.g. Copernicus image of the day, EUMETSAT case studies.

  • Make images reusable: Offer images under open licensing conditions that are clear, and allow for sharing.

  • Make images editable: storytellers frequently need to alter images to suit their context. This could mean changing regional and/or temporal focus, it could also mean altering the style (font, colours etc). Data providers can facilitate this by providing platforms that allow for image editing, and/or making code for image generation open source reusable with suitable licence conditions.

  • Compile annual reports of important environmental metrics e.g. European State of the Climate and Ocean State Report

  • Provide fitness-for-purpose information, so that non-experts can find suitable data sets for different applications.

  • Provide expert user support.

  • Support their subject experts in creating an online, personal presence to participate in networking activities related to storytelling.

Data providers and services#

Below is a non-exhaustive list of data providers alongside some of their associated services - please do suggest additions!

Copernicus services#



Available data

Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS)

My Ocean Viewer (WMS/Web API)
Marine Data Store (Web API/OpenDAP/ERDDAP/FTP/WMS)

Ocean indicators and marine data from satellite, numerical model and in situ sources at operational, reprocessed and climate scales.

Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS)

Atmopsheric charts and data from from satellites and numerical models at near operational and reprocessed scales.

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

Climate Data Store (Web GUI/API)

Climate indicators, data and reports for the atmosphere, ocean and cryosphere.

Copernicus Land Service (CLMS)

Product access (Web API/FTP)

Land products.

Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS)

Rapid and Risk mapping services portal (Web GUI)

Situational map information on current emergencies from various sensors and data providers.

Satellite agencies#



Available data


EUMETSAT Data Centre (Web order; authentication required)

Weather, climate, atmospheric and marine satellite products at operational, reprocessed and climate scales.

European Space Agency (ESA)

Atmospheric and marine satellite products from research and operational missions.

Numerical weather prediction providers#



Available data

European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF)

Reanalysis and forecast charts and data sets. Many products available through the Copernicus Climate Data Store.

EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs)#


Available services and data

Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF)

Sea surface temperature, wind and sea ice product access, publications and visualisations.

Atmospheric Composition SAF (AC SAF)

Atmospheric composition product access

Climate Monitoring SAF (CM SAF)

Climate product access, and latest images

Land Surface Analysis SAF (LSA SAF)

Land product access and product gallery

Hydrology and Water Management SAF (H SAF)

Hydrological product access

Cloud providers#



Available data


Data viewer and downloader

EUMETSAT, ESA and Copernicus service data across multiple thematics

Commercial services#



Available data

Sentinel Hub

Various products from the Copernicus Sentinel Programme and Copernicus Services, as well as products from Landsat, ENVISAT, MODIS and commercial providers.

Copernicus implementation logo